Mingo Documentation

Keyboard shortcuts

To make using Mingo even faster and more intuitive, it features a lot of keyboard shortcuts. We didn't want you to learn a new set of shortcuts, so we tried to use the same ones you are used to. 

⌘Rreload the content of the current tab's view (for example reload documents)
⌘Ffind in page (fulltext)
⌘Nopen a new Mingo window
⌘Topen new tab
⌘Wclose current tab
⌘⇧Treopen recently closed tab
⌘1 - ⌘8focus n-th tab
⌘9focus last tab
⌘LEFTfocus tab to the left
⌘RIGHTfocus tab to the right
⌘⇧LEFTmove current tab to the left
⌘⇧RIGHTmove current tab to the right
CTRL+TABfocus previous tab
⌘Rreload documents
⌘Aselect all documents
⌘Enterin query input to submit
⌘Sfocus query input (selector)
⌘Zopen Mingo UNDO
Point cursor at document and press X (only letter x) or spaceselect that document
Point cursor at document header and press ⌘Ccopy the entire document
Point cursor at document and press Eedit the document
Point cursor at field and press ⌘Ccopy the value
Point cursor at field and press E or Double-Clickedit the field inline
Type {to focus query input (selector)