MongoDB and Mingo tips & tricks 

Compare and sync entire MongoDB databases 

23. June 2022
Do you ever need to download the production DB to your localhost for development purposes? Or just sync changes from one DB to another? This can be done using Mingo’s Compare & Sync tool. You don’t need to write scripts or use the terminal mongodump / mongorestore functions, anymore. With Mingo’s Compare & Sync tool […]
Radoslav Toth

Mingo’s keyboard shortcuts

9. June 2022
We are all tired of new shortcuts we have to learn. Mingo’s shortcuts mimic what you are already used to from a browser or your dev tool. However, Mingo also has some new intuitive “hovering” shortcuts. Just hover over a document and press space or X to select the document. Or hover a document and CMD+C / CTRL+C to copy document value.  To […]
Radoslav Toth

Smart search

9. June 2022
The majority of queries we execute on MongoDB collections are very simple. We usually search for an _id, an email or username and we do this many times over every day. To make such searches simple and fast, Mingo provides a few great hacks for you. Value as query First of all, indexed fields can […]
Radoslav Toth

Data relations in Mingo

8. June 2022
When documents reference each other, they usually do so by the _id of the referenced document. There are several types of document relations (such as one-to-many, one-to-one, many-to-one, many-to-many), but we can generally say that there is always a parent document (the one referencing) and a child document (the one being referenced). For example, you […]
Radoslav Toth

5 best MongoDB GUI in 2022

7. June 2022
What is a MongoDB GUI client? MongoDB GUI is a graphical interface for MongoDB. It provides a way to view and manipulate data in MongoDB databases using the MongoDB API or MongoDB Shell. As you may know, you can query your data through the command line, but this gets messy and you can get easily […]

MongoDB aggregations for beginners

31. May 2022
MongoDB's aggregation is one of the most powerful tools in the database, allowing you to perform complex data analysis on large datasets. This article will show you how to use aggregation to create powerful data aggregations. Basic aggregations An aggregation is a powerful tool for data analysis. It allows you to perform complex queries on […]

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