Radoslav Toth
June 9, 2022

Smart search

The majority of queries we execute on MongoDB collections are very simple. We usually search for an _id, an email or username and we do this many times over every day. To make such searches simple and fast, Mingo provides a few great hacks for you.

Value as query

First of all, indexed fields can be searched swiftly by using the value as query. For example: let's say you have a collection where the fields "slug" and "city" are indexed. If you enter a string expensive in the query, Mingo will search for the value in all indexed fields and show you the resulting query that found results. In this case it would be {slug: "expensive"}.

Since most of the often queried fields are indexed (or at least, should be...), such searches will be fast and efficient.

The above will automatically turn into this:

You may go even further, and instead of specific value, you may enter a regular expression to search for.

For example: /sales/i will search for documents where the indexed fields match "sales" in case in-sensitive mode.

Paste & Go

Paste & Go is a great feature, especially combined with the Smart search mentioned above. Pressing CMD+G / CTRL+G will paste the current clipboard contents into the query field and submit it. The pasted value could be a regular query or just a phrase or _id copied from your admin or other app.

If the value is not an object (real query), Mingo will treat it as a value, execute the Smart search and show the resulting documents.

Dates by tags

Imagine being able to do this: { "createdAt": #lastWeek }. Before Mingo, this was not possible! Check out this article on all the options and how to use it. It is really handy.

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v1.13.5 released

We are regularly releasing new versions and did it again today. The latest release contains several UX improvements, fixes 4 reported bugfixes (thanks!) and 10+ unreported issues we found ourselves. Please keep reporting issues, we appreciate any feedback! Mingo should suggest the update automatically, or you can download it directly from our Download page.
Radoslav Toth

Using Mingo with FerretDB

Mingo is a suitable solution for a GUI for MongoDB and its open-source alternative, FerretDB. Since FerretDB is open source, developers can fully control and adapt it to suit specific needs. FerretDB with Mingo will offer you a visual representation of data and a user-friendly interaction, among other benefits. What is FerretDB FerretDB is the […]
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Taking Your Company to New Heights with MongoDB Charts in Mingo

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Daniel Njeru

How to set up MongoDB charts in Mingo

MongoDB charts are used to create a visual representation of MongoDB data. With MongoDB charts, you can communicate insights clearly and concisely. The feature will be useful when analyzing trends, presenting information, or making data-driven decisions. Complex information is conveyed in a more accessible format. That way, you can focus on developing actionable plans. Mingo […]
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Demystifying Data Modeling in MongoDB: A Step-by-Step Approach

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Daniel Njeru

Indexing Strategies for High Performance in MongoDB

Indexes are unique data structures that store a small portion of the collection’s data in an ordered form that is easy to traverse and search efficiently. They point to the document identity and allow you to look up, access, and update data faster. In MongoDB, indexes are used to improve query performance. Indexes improve query […]
Daniel Njeru

Which companies are using MongoDB

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Daniel Njeru

New version released: 1.13.1

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Radoslav Toth

MongoDB Atlas vs. self-hosted MongoDB quick guide.

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5 proven MongoDB performance optimization techniques

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