We released v1.12.1. What's new?
We have just released a new version and I wanted to summarize what we added or changed. There is a long list of bug-fixes and minor improvements, but three points stand out most.
Managing company licenses
So far, there was no way to manage company licenses in Mingo. Now, if you have a company account with multiple licenses, you can view them, name each license and even reset license keys in case you need to change the person using the license.
Data relations improvements
One of Mingo's most praised features is finding relations between collections and their data. Mingo regularly checks your databases, looks for possible relations and then shows human-readable information besides _ids referencing other documents.
Mingo handles data relations on its own, most of the time, however, you can manually alter, add or remove relations, too. Once a relation is found, click "Bratislava" to show a preview of the document or click the icon to open the document in a new tab.
Improved loading of collections
To ensure the great user experience in Mingo, it reads samples of you data and tries to analyze their relations, stores some meta information (such as the size of collection, indexes it has or the number of documents).
In case of large databases with 100+ collections, this took long and sometimes timed out, too. We have now improved this, and refreshing collections is now much faster even on huge databases.
Other bug fixes and UX improvements
- Managing company licenses (new)
- Functional and UX improvements of Data Relations
- Connection bug #535
- Took too long to load large databases #533
- Array indentation error #532
- Getting back online #531
- Logos #528
- Loading all collections if many - #533
- Duplicate collection - #541
- Truncate long text - #545
- Collaction definition for sorting in documents view - #546
- NodeShell error if first line is empty - #547
- Do not allow multiple inline edits open at the same time - #549
- Column headers misaligned in Documents view - #558
- many many minor improvements to make your days brighter 🙂